PAF’s FY24 results, announced on 11 September, were closely in line with our forecasts for headline EPS (HEPS) and EPS and also guidance, as provided in its announcements of 29 July and 5 September.
Production in H224 was confirmed at 87,581oz, representing a 5.6% increase compared with H223, while guidance for FY25 was reiterated at 215–225koz at an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of US$1,350–1,400/oz – not more than 3.4% higher than during FY24 – albeit with the proviso that ‘the delay in the commissioning of Evander Mines’ subvertical shaft, scheduled to be completed during September 2024, could impact guidance by approximately 5,000oz’. Exhibit 1, below, shows Pan African’s group production in H224 compared to H223 and H124, and also our forecast for a further 12.1% output growth in FY25.
Exhibit 1: Pan African production, H121–FY25e (oz)
Operation |
H121 |
H221 |
H122 |
H222 |
H123 |
H223 |
H124 |
H224 |
Change* (%) |
Change** (oz) |
FY24 |
FY25e |
Growth (%) |
Barberton UG |
42,350 |
42,476 |
39,991 |
35,747 |
32,022 |
32,564 |
36,780 |
34,690 |
+6.5 |
-5.7 |
71,470 |
79,235 |
+10.7 |
10,004 |
8,235 |
9,126 |
10,434 |
10,012 |
9,863 |
9,864 |
9,024 |
-8.5 |
-8.5 |
18,888 |
13,913 |
-26.3 |
Barberton |
52,354 |
50,711 |
49,117 |
46,181 |
42,034 |
42,427 |
46,644 |
43,714 |
+3.0 |
-6.3 |
90,358 |
93,148 |
+3.1 |
Evander UG |
12,607 |
23,409 |
27,312 |
21,538 |
19,173 |
10,359 |
21,307 |
16,978 |
+63.9 |
-20.3 |
38,285 |
42,042 |
+9.8 |
Evander surface |
6,560 |
4,677 |
5,756 |
3,564 |
5,270 |
5,373 |
2,401 |
183 |
-96.6 |
-92.4 |
2,584 |
0 |
-100.0 |
Evander |
19,169 |
28,086 |
33,068 |
25,102 |
24,443 |
15,732 |
23,708 |
17,161 |
+9.1 |
-27.6 |
40,869 |
42,042 |
+2.9 |
Elikhulu |
26,863 |
24,596 |
25,900 |
26,320 |
25,830 |
24,743 |
28,106 |
26,706 |
+7.9 |
-5.0 |
54,812 |
49,143 |
-10.3 |
24,127 |
N/A |
Total |
98,386 |
103,391 |
108,085 |
97,603 |
92,307 |
82,902 |
98,458 |
87,581 |
+5.6 |
-11.0 |
186,039 |
208,460 |
+12.1 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, Pan African Resources. Note: Totals may not add up owing to rounding. UG, underground. BTRP, Barberton Tailings Retreatment Project. *H224 cf H223. **H224 cf H124.
Output for each of PAF’s four producing operations in H224 was exactly in line with guidance, with the exception of a tiny amount of production (183oz) from surface sources at Evander. However, with the exception of the Barberton Tailings Retreatment Project (BTRP) that output was generally achieved via processing slightly higher volumes of tonnage at slightly lower grades than we had anticipated. In the case of the BTRP, both tonnage and grade were lower than our prior expectations, but were offset by the highest metallurgical recoveries since H116, as shown below:
Exhibit 2: PAF mines* operational statistics, H224a cf H224e
Barberton |
Elikhulu |
Evander |
Total |
H224e (prior) |
H224a |
H224e (prior) |
H224a |
H224e (prior) |
H224a |
H224e (prior) |
H224a |
H224e (prior) |
H224a |
Total tons milled (t) |
173,650 |
178,163 |
6,971,392 |
7,029,072 |
71,586 |
102,400 |
431,442 |
395,805 |
7,652,947 |
7,707,930 |
Head grade (g/t) |
6.72 |
6.51 |
0.34 |
0.34 |
7.56 |
5.71 |
1.54 |
1.28 |
0.62 |
0.60 |
Contained gold (oz) |
37,507 |
37,267 |
76,280 |
76,303 |
17,410 |
18,786 |
21,384 |
16,297 |
152,761 |
148,794 |
Recovery (%) |
92.5 |
93.1 |
35.0 |
35.0 |
98.0 |
90.4 |
42.2 |
55.4 |
57.3 |
58.9 |
Production (oz) |
34,690 |
34,690 |
26,706 |
26,706 |
17,062 |
16,978 |
9,024 |
9,024 |
87,581 |
87,581 |
Production – other (oz) |
Total production (oz) |
34,690 |
34,690 |
26,706 |
26,706 |
17,062 |
16,978 |
9,024 |
9,024 |
87,581 |
87,581 |
Recovered grade (g/t) |
6.21 |
6.06 |
0.12 |
0.12 |
7.41 |
5.16 |
0.65 |
0.71 |
0.36 |
0.35 |
Gold sold (oz) |
34,690 |
33,952 |
26,706 |
26,159 |
17,062 |
17,170 |
9,024 |
8,963 |
87,581 |
86,427 |
Average spot price (US$/oz) |
2,206 |
2,191 |
2,206 |
2,069 |
2,206 |
1,801 |
2,206 |
2,205 |
2,206 |
2,077 |
Average spot price (ZAR/kg) |
1,328,243 |
1,319,008 |
1,328,243 |
1,245,741 |
1,328,243 |
1,084,493 |
1,328,243 |
1,327,800 |
1,328,243 |
1,250,775 |
Total cash cost (US$/oz) |
1,412 |
1,632 |
840 |
1,000 |
1,232 |
1,336 |
679 |
691 |
1,128 |
1,297 |
Total cash cost (ZAR/kg) |
849,928 |
963,016 |
506,000 |
601,824 |
741,918 |
804,493 |
408,749 |
416,118 |
679,155 |
769,571 |
Total cash cost (US$/t) |
281.99 |
311.06 |
3.22 |
3.79 |
293.69 |
223.84 |
14.20 |
15.66 |
12.91 |
14.33 |
Total cash cost (ZAR/t) |
5,281.00 |
5,708.04 |
60.29 |
69.66 |
5,500 |
4,196 |
265.91 |
293.09 |
241.74 |
268.39 |
Implied revenue (US$000) |
76,526 |
74,377 |
58,913 |
54,122 |
37,639 |
30,926 |
19,907 |
19,766 |
193,204 |
179,507 |
Implied revenue (ZAR000) |
1,433,136 |
1,393,210 |
1,103,295 |
1,013,594 |
704,876 |
579,289 |
372,805 |
370,188 |
3,618,203 |
3,362,282 |
Implied revenue (£000) |
60,485 |
57,881 |
46,565 |
42,083 |
29,749 |
23,948 |
15,734 |
15,380 |
152,706 |
139,497 |
Implied cash costs (US$000) |
48,968 |
55,420 |
22,443 |
26,661 |
21,024 |
22,921 |
6,126 |
6,199 |
98,789 |
112,077 |
Implied cash costs (ZAR000) |
917,048 |
1,016,961 |
420,305 |
489,662 |
393,723 |
429,634 |
114,726 |
116,005 |
1,850,055 |
2,068,729 |
Implied cash costs (£000) |
38,711 |
43,139 |
17,742 |
20,675 |
16,620 |
18,127 |
4,843 |
4,897 |
78,096 |
87,517 |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *Excludes Evander surface operations.
Relative to a 2.8% year-on-year increase in tonnes milled/processed and a South African inflation rate of 5.1% (June-June), Pan African’s electricity costs (14.1% of the total) increased by 66.4% during the year, while processing and metallurgical costs (21.7%) increased by 59.9% and security costs (3.2% of the total) increased by 27.7%. As a result, unit costs per tonne of ore milled/processed were higher than we had anticipated at Barberton, Elikhulu and the BTRP and, while we still expect these to moderate over time, we now expect them to moderate from a higher base. By contrast, Evander milled 14.2% more ore in H224 compared to H124 for 7.0% less cost in rand terms to result in an 18.6% lower unit cost, enviably demonstrating both economy and the benefits of incremental production on a relatively high fixed cost base. Within this context, the overall increase in the group’s AISC, from US$1,309/oz in FY23 (restated) to US$1,354/oz in FY24 – an increase of only 3.4% – was a creditable achievement.
The other noteworthy feature of the group’s results was the price of gold that PAF received for its output, which was reported as US$2,015/oz for the full year (a 3.0% discount to the average gold price of US$2,078/oz during the period) and calculated by Edison as US$2,077/oz for H224 (a 5.8% discount to the average gold price of US$2,206/oz). These discounts arise from the accounting treatment of the contract liability related to the fixed-price forward sales associated with Pan African’s ZAR400m Mintails financing facility, which is different to that relating to ‘normal’ derivatives. Derivatives are subject to mark-to-market fair value accounting, with any adjustment going through the ‘other income/expense’ line in the P&L. By contrast, fixed-price forward gold sales result in the fixed gold price for these ounces being recognised in revenue – there being no equivalent mark-to-market fair value accounting. However, synthetic forward sales of gold, which are composed of a series of options (puts and calls at the same price) are also accounted for as a ‘plain vanilla’ forward sale (and not a derivative instrument), with the fixed gold price recognised in revenue as the ounces are delivered since, despite being a derivative instrument, they are, in substance, identical to a ‘plain vanilla’ fixed price forward sale.
Exhibit 3: PAF aggregate operational results, H222–H224
H222 |
H123 |
H223 |
H124 |
H224e |
H224 |
Change* (%) |
Variance** (%) |
FY24 |
FY24e |
Total tons milled (t) |
8,104,217 |
8,024,228 |
7,235,156 |
7,974,470 |
7,652,947 |
7,707,930 |
-3.3 |
0.7 |
15,682,400 |
15,627,417 |
Head grade (g/t) |
0.65 |
0.63 |
0.66 |
0.65 |
0.62 |
0.60 |
-7.7 |
-3.2 |
0.62 |
0.63 |
Contained gold (oz) |
169,236 |
162,694 |
152,462 |
166,240 |
152,761 |
148,794 |
-10.5 |
-2.6 |
315,034 |
319,001 |
Recovery (%) |
57.7 |
56.7 |
54.4 |
59.2 |
57.3 |
58.9 |
-0.5 |
2.8 |
59.1 |
58.3 |
Production (oz) |
97,603 |
92,307 |
82,902 |
98,458 |
87,581 |
87,581 |
-11.0 |
0.0 |
186,039 |
186,039 |
Production – other (oz) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N/A |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
Total production (oz) |
97,603 |
92,307 |
82,902 |
98,458 |
87,581 |
87,581 |
-11.0 |
0.0 |
186,039 |
186,039 |
Recovered grade (g/t) |
0.37 |
0.36 |
0.36 |
0.38 |
0.36 |
0.35 |
-7.9 |
-2.8 |
0.37 |
0.37 |
Gold sold (oz) |
98,546 |
90,439 |
84,321 |
98,458 |
87,581 |
86,427 |
-12.2 |
-1.3 |
184,885 |
186,039 |
Average spot price (US$/oz) |
1,846 |
1,725 |
1,955 |
1,961 |
2,206 |
2,077 |
5.9 |
-5.8 |
2,015 |
2,076 |
Average spot price (ZAR/kg) |
914,454 |
960,947 |
1,143,075 |
1,178,433 |
1,328,243 |
1,250,775 |
6.1 |
-5.8 |
1,212,250 |
1,248,958 |
Total cash cost (US$/oz) |
1,193 |
1,106 |
1,175 |
1,130 |
1,128 |
1,297 |
14.8 |
15.0 |
1,200 |
1,129 |
Total cash cost (ZAR/kg) |
590,888 |
616,134 |
694,824 |
678,941 |
679,155 |
769,571 |
13.3 |
13.3 |
721,293 |
679,028 |
Total cash cost (US$/t) |
14.51 |
12.47 |
13.82 |
13.95 |
12.91 |
14.33 |
2.7 |
11.0 |
14.14 |
13.44 |
Total cash cost (ZAR/t) |
223.48 |
216.00 |
251.87 |
260.72 |
241.74 |
268.39 |
2.9 |
11.0 |
264.49 |
251.43 |
Implied revenue (US$000) |
181,886 |
156,011 |
164,846 |
193,080 |
193,204 |
179,507 |
-7.0 |
-7.1 |
372,587 |
386,284 |
Implied revenue (ZAR000) |
2,802,891 |
2,703,093 |
2,997,891 |
3,608,788 |
3,618,203 |
3,362,282 |
-6.8 |
-7.1 |
6,971,070 |
7,226,990 |
Implied revenue (£000) |
140,063 |
132,685 |
133,653 |
153,972 |
152,706 |
139,497 |
-9.4 |
-8.6 |
293,468 |
306,678 |
Implied cash costs (US$000) |
117,584 |
100,488 |
99,091 |
111,222 |
98,789 |
112,077 |
0.8 |
13.5 |
223,299 |
210,011 |
Implied cash costs (ZAR000) |
1,811,131 |
1,733,195 |
1,822,284 |
2,079,082 |
1,850,055 |
2,068,729 |
-0.5 |
11.8 |
4,147,812 |
3,929,137 |
Implied cash costs (£000) |
90,375 |
85,148 |
80,881 |
88,721 |
78,096 |
87,517 |
-1.4 |
12.1 |
176,238 |
166,816 |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *H224 cf H124, **H224 cf H224e. Totals may not add up owing to rounding. H123 and H223 ‘as reported’ and not restated as per FY24 results (NB restatement deemed immaterial by Edison).
By contrast, for ease of comparison, Edison forecasts revenue based on the prevailing price of gold with all derivative-type profits/losses being booked through the ‘other’ line. Although this is not strictly in accordance with accounting standards, it allows the underlying performance of the operating company to be distinguished from the volatility created by derivative-type profits and losses, which are then presented as a single line item. In the case of H224, Pan African sold 1,154 fewer ounces than it produced in H224, which cost it c US$2.5m in revenue at the average gold price during the period (albeit we would expect this figure to be recouped in coming quarters). In addition, we estimate that its Mintails financing arrangements depressed revenue by a further c US$11.1m (86,427oz sold at US$2,077/oz in H224 rather than US$2,206/oz). Adding back US$11.1m to reported revenue implies like-for-like revenue of US$191.0m in H224, compared to US$196.8m forecast and US$179.8m actually reported. Note that this adjustment, with revenue presented on a ‘plain vanilla’ basis and derivative-type losses all shown in the ‘other’ line, is shown in the column denoted ‘H224 (adjusted)’ in Exhibit 4, below. On this like-for-like basis, revenue was US$5.8m (or 1.5%) less than we had forecast for both H224 and FY24 (of which c US$2.5m could be accounted for by unsold gold), while costs were US$12.1m (or 5.8%) higher for the full year, leading to a US$17.2m (or 10.8%) negative variance in mining profits. However, this was essentially offset by an US$8.2m positive variance in ‘other’ expenses (the difference between a US$22.5m loss forecast and an underlying US$14.3m loss reported), a US$2.0m positive variance in royalty costs, a US$4.1m positive variance in net finance income and a US$1.9m positive variance in the overall tax charge to result in actual H224 and FY24 attributable profit within US$0.6m, or 1.0%, of our prior forecast.
A complete analysis of PAF’s H224 and FY24 results on both an ‘as reported’ and an ‘adjusted’ basis (with all derivative-type losses taken through the ‘other’ line) is provided in Exhibit 4, below:
Exhibit 4: PAF P&L statement by half year (H124–H224)
H124 |
H224e |
H224 (as reported) |
H224 (adjusted) |
Change*** (%) |
Variance**** (%) |
FY24 (adjusted) |
FY24 (as reported) |
FY24e (prior) |
Revenue |
193,947 |
196,763 |
179,849 |
190,998 |
-7.3 |
-2.9 |
384,945 |
373,796 |
390,710 |
Cost of production |
(110,292) |
(98,789) |
(110,891) |
(110,891) |
0.5 |
12.3 |
(221,183) |
(221,183) |
(209,081) |
Depreciation |
(10,768) |
(11,144) |
(10,476) |
(10,476) |
-2.7 |
-6.0 |
(21,244) |
(21,244) |
(21,912) |
Mining profit |
72,887 |
86,831 |
58,482 |
69,631 |
-19.8 |
-19.8 |
142,518 |
131,369 |
159,718 |
Other income/(expenses) |
(7,231) |
(22,474) |
(3,144) |
(14,293) |
-56.5 |
-36.4 |
(21,524) |
(10,375) |
(29,705) |
Loss in associate etc |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N/A |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Loss on disposals |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N/A |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Impairments |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
N/A |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Royalty costs |
(1,242) |
(2,465) |
(445) |
(445) |
-64.2 |
-81.9 |
(1,687) |
(1,687) |
(3,707) |
Net income before finance |
64,414 |
61,891 |
54,893 |
54,893 |
-14.8 |
-11.3 |
119,307 |
119,307 |
126,305 |
Finance income |
760 |
1,124 |
1,124 |
47.9 |
N/A |
1,884 |
1,884 |
Finance costs |
(5,594) |
(6,190) |
(6,190) |
10.7 |
N/A |
(11,784) |
(11,784) |
Net finance income |
(4,834) |
(9,201) |
(5,066) |
(5,066) |
4.8 |
-44.9 |
(9,900) |
(9,900) |
(14,035) |
Profit before taxation |
59,580 |
52,691 |
49,827 |
49,827 |
-16.4 |
-5.4 |
109,407 |
109,407 |
112,271 |
Taxation |
(17,223) |
(15,297) |
(13,358) |
(13,358) |
-22.4 |
-12.7 |
(30,581) |
(30,581) |
(32,520) |
Effective tax rate (%) |
28.9 |
29.0 |
26.8 |
26.8 |
-7.3 |
-7.6 |
28.0 |
28.0 |
29.0 |
PAT (continuing ops) |
42,357 |
37,393 |
36,469 |
36,469 |
-13.9 |
-2.5 |
78,826 |
78,826 |
79,750 |
Minority interest |
(224) |
0 |
(328) |
(328) |
46.4 |
N/A |
(552) |
(552) |
(224) |
Ditto (%) |
(0.5) |
0.0 |
(0.9) |
(0.9) |
80.0 |
N/A |
(0.7) |
(0.7) |
(0.3) |
Attributable profit |
42,581 |
37,393 |
36,797 |
36,797 |
-13.6 |
-1.6 |
79,378 |
79,378 |
79,974 |
Headline earnings |
42,581 |
37,393 |
36,903 |
36,903 |
-13.3 |
-1.3 |
79,484 |
79,484 |
79,974 |
Est. normalised headline earnings |
49,812 |
59,867 |
40,047 |
51,196 |
-19.6 |
-14.5 |
101,008 |
89,859 |
109,679 |
EPS (c) |
2.22 |
1.95 |
1.92 |
1.92 |
-13.5 |
-1.5 |
4.14 |
4.14 |
4.17 |
HEPS** (c) |
2.22 |
1.95 |
1.93 |
1.93 |
-13.1 |
-1.0 |
4.15 |
4.15 |
4.17 |
Normalised HEPS (c) |
2.60 |
3.12 |
2.09 |
2.67 |
-19.6 |
-14.4 |
5.27 |
4.68 |
5.72 |
Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research. Note: *Unless otherwise indicated. **HEPS, headline earnings per share (South African reporting standard). ***H224 cf H124. ****H224 (adjusted) cf H224e. Exhibit 19 presented on an ‘as reported’ basis.
Note that the effect of the Mintails contract liability on prior periods was small to the point of being negligible given that the contracted price of gold was close to the actual price of gold. The exclusion of US$4.1m in ‘other income’ from ‘H224 (adjusted)’ results would also have brought Edison’s forecast of a US$22.5m loss more closely into line with the US$14.3m loss imputed. Otherwise, on this comparative (ie ‘adjusted’) basis, normalised HEPS were 7.9% lower than our estimate for the full year. However, they were still nevertheless a record for Pan African for both a full-year and half-year period and well to the top end of the range of analysts’ expectations of 3.0–5.7c/share with a mean of 4.5c/share (source: LSEG Data & Analytics, 6 September 2024).
From the perspective of PAF’s four principal operations (ie excluding the negligible contribution from Evander surface sources), performance held steady at both Barberton and Elikhulu, but fell away at Evander (which is the operation most affected by the Mintails contract liability – see Exhibit 2), while the BTRP announced record adjusted EBITDA in both rand and US dollar terms:
Exhibit 5: Pan African adjusted EBITDA, by business unit, H115–H224

Source: Pan African Resources, Edison Investment Research