Vantage: Seraphim Space’s Mark Boggett on a booming space economy and a maturing portfolio

Vantage: Seraphim Space’s Mark Boggett on a booming space economy and a maturing portfolio

Seraphim Space Investment Trust — 3 videos in collection

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The space economy is experiencing a remarkable boom, fuelled by the rising demand for cutting-edge space technologies across various sectors, particularly defence. In this interview, Mark Boggett, CEO and co-founder of Seraphim Space Investment Trust, sheds light on the driving forces behind this surge. Boggett highlights the pivotal role spacetech plays in addressing global challenges like climate change, sustainability and autonomous mobility. The defence sector has also emerged as a key catalyst, with nations worldwide looking to acquire and develop advanced space capabilities amid geopolitical tensions. Boggett underscores the resilience of spacetech valuations, with leading companies in Seraphim’s portfolio becoming profitable and well-financed, positioning the industry for continued growth and innovation in the coming year.

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