Smarttech247 – executive interview

Smarttech247 – executive interview

Smarttech247 is a cybersecurity company specialising in managed detection and response, providing actionable insights, 24/7 threat detection, investigation and response. The company has operations in Ireland, Poland, Romania, the UK and the US and listed on AIM in December 2022.

In this interview, CEO Raluca Saceanu outlines the key drivers of demand for cybersecurity technology and services and explains how Smarttech247 fits into the cybersecurity landscape. She provides background on why and how the business was founded and the type of customers the company serves. Growth plans include geographic expansion, growing the number of partnerships and a new mid-market offering. She discusses the ongoing development of the core VisionX platform, including its AI capabilities, and additional products such as NoPhish and ThreatHub. Finally, she outlines the company’s plans over the next 12 months, including the potential for strategic M&A.

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