Market and updated hRPC modelling
The prevalence of RP is commonly stated as one in 4,000 people but this seems ultimately to derive from a non-systematic questionnaire survey of affected families so might overestimate the prevalence (Boughman et al (1980)); we have also seen global estimates of one in 3,000 or two million individuals.
More systematically, in a careful medical population study in Maine, US, Bunker et al (1984) found an RP prevalence of one in 5,106 (excluding some related, systematic genetic conditions). This gives a potential prevalence in the US of 64,000. In a 1978 study in Birmingham, UK, of 121 cases, an overall prevalence of one in 4,859 was found (Bundey and Crewes (1984)). This study noted that the prevalence in the 45–64 age cohort was one in 3,195 because diagnosis rates increased over age 30 (70%) to age 50 (86%). This might be the ‘true’ level of the condition (bearing in mind the small sample size and sampling error). Other studies have found a much lower prevalence, for example one in 7,000 in Switzerland.
To receive expensive cell therapy treatment in the US, patients will need excellent insurance coverage or Medicare (assuming the procedure is fully reimbursed). In Europe, a therapy needs to show economic value for adoption in the wealthier Northern European states and may not be used much in the Eastern and some Southern EU states with less well-funded healthcare systems.
The incidence of RP is hard to ascertain. A Korean study (Rim et al (2016) of over 6,000 people found new cases at 1.6/100,000 person years. Haim (2002) in a careful study using the detailed Danish registry estimated an incidence of 0.8/100,000 of new cases: about 40 per year in Denmark. In the US, this implies about 2,500 new diagnoses per year. Bunker et al (1984) estimated about one RP case per 3,500 births. With about 3.8 million births per year in the US, the number of new cases would be about 1,100.
For valuation purposes, we assume one in 4,500 prevalence which equates to about 64,000 cases rather than the one in 4,000 previously used. The next issue is the treatable group. We assume that more severe cases are diagnosed early, teenage or before, with patients over 40 years old diagnosed with conditions that have developed gradually – but these often accelerate in later life. The sample above indicate that most patients are in the 30–40-year-old category on diagnosis.
Our previous assumption for the target treatment population was that only the most severe patients would be eligible for cell therapy as a type of rescue. However, ReNeuron and jCyte have indicated that patients with more surviving photoreceptors should do better. We therefore make an assumption that treating patients within a few years of diagnosis offers better long-term value and results. This will need evidence from trials, follow-up data and economic studies.
The other factor is that the bulk of patients form a ‘prevalence’ market, as there is no significant annual inflow of new patients. Consequently, once all patients with disease who can be treated, or can access care, are treated, by ReNeuron, jCyte or a gene therapy, the market becomes saturated and sales drop. The big qualification on this is if retreatment is needed and beneficial. If so, we expect the price per treatment to fall - although the cost over a patient’s lifetime could be much higher. Presently, there is no data on retreatment, so we have not assumed that this happens but is seems a plausible scenario as enough hRPC need to persist and survive to maintain ongoing retinal health and function.
There is nonetheless a steady, if small, stream of new patients perhaps 1,100–2,500 new diagnoses per year in the US. If the price was $275,000, as we assume, this is still a $690m potential market. These patients may be the most cost effective to treat (assuming a very sustained treatment effect).
We therefore split these two segments for a market forecast.
For incidence, we assume a high treatment rate within a few years of diagnosis this is the core long-term market. Those who are not treated enter the prevalence pool; We use the current and projected populations of the US, the top European countries and Japan.
For prevalence, we assume much lower peak sales (especially in the US), although as patients are treated, the pool shrinks. We limit the eligible treatment population in the prevalence pool to the 30–70 age range. It is unlikely all will be suitable for therapy, possibly due to particular genetic conditions. As yet, we cannot define this.
Exhibit 6 summarises the 2025 treatable population, the peak market penetration for hRPC assumed and the projected 2030 sales level in US dollars.
Exhibit 6: Edison projected market parameters
Region |
Incidence |
Prevalence |
Total |
New Cases per year |
Maximum Peak share |
2030 sales ($m) |
Total cases 2025 |
2025 treatable cases |
Maximum Peak share |
2030 sales ($m) |
hRPC treated (cases) |
2030 sales ($m) |
2648 |
35% |
$262 |
73,600 |
31,333 |
5% |
$167 |
1,344 |
$428 |
Europe |
3200 |
25% |
$172 |
88,900 |
44,444 |
5% |
$195 |
1,561 |
$367 |
Japan |
965 |
35% |
$64 |
27,000 |
13,478 |
5% |
$55 |
520 |
$120 |
Totals |
6,813 |
$498 |
189,400 |
89,255 |
$417 |
3,425 |
$915 |
Source: Edison Investment Research, note peak is maximum achievable market not the actual projected rate which is slight lower
For the incidence market, we assume 2,648 new cases based on the Danish studies (about 40 new cases per year in a population of five million). We assume a high therapy response rate and that ReNeuron can gain a peak share of 35% of this market. We assume that gene therapies and jCell take an equal combined share to ReNeuron (35%) as we cannot yet separate the efficacy and cost of the various approaches. Once treated, patients are not retreated. Untreated patients move into the prevalence pool.
Prevalence is more complex. We assume about half the overall population prevalence are in the age groups where RP becomes manifest and is diagnosed. This means about 31,000 available cases in the US. We then assume a steady treatment rate of up to 10% per year for all therapies combined with hRPC gaining half of these sales.
The other markets, including China from 2024, are modelled in the same way. We note that the Chinese forecast is subject to high forecasting error.
Exosomes and induced pluripotent stem cells
The main future internal use of the CTX line is to generate exosomes. Exosomes are tiny lipid (oil) vesicles about 100nm in diameter (Exhibit 7). ReNeuron also has early-stage induced pluripotent stem cell (IPSC) projects.
Exhibit 7: Exosome technology

Exosomes are secreted by cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the basis of the CTX platform. Exosomes carry proteins and RNA messages between cells and may be responsible for the modification of the local immune response by MSCs. They have relatively robust membranes, making them potential delivery vehicles.
At an R&D day in 2018 ReNeuron announced it can scale up exosome production under GMP conditions, which should allow a clinical study. The main preparation method in research laboratories is ultracentrifugation, which gives tight size ranges but is laborious and small scale.
Exosomes can be loaded once isolated with short RNA sequences and/or small therapeutic proteins or drugs. The membrane can be modified to enable the exosomes to target specific cell types or be produced from specific cell lines, giving inherent targeting to that tissue. ReNeuron notes that it can add the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, for example, which could make the exosomes appear like viral particles making this a possible SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate. Exosomes also appear to pass though the blood/brain barrier, as shown by literature reports of down-regulation of brain proteins by exosomes injected into mice.
The ability to load and modify/target exosomes is very important as, when produced inside MSCs, exosomes will contain an assorted variety of RNA and proteins. To ensure a consistent product therefore, isolation, exosome loading and possible targeting would appear necessary. For a therapeutic product, consistency and scale are essential.
ReNeuron has a portfolio of potential exosome opportunities (Exhibit 8).
Exhibit 8: Exosome and progenitor cell projects

We are aware of only one very small academic trial with exosomes so far. There are also some emerging specialist companies such as Evox Therapeutics, based in Oxford, UK. Evox announced a deal with Takeda in 2020 worth up to €803m (over several years and assuming successful development). The US company Codiak has two late-stage preclinical projects in the area of tumour immunotherapy deigned to stimulate anti-tumour responses.
Exosomes are hard to value. ReNeuron has several promising projects and two collaborations running. Management has positioned exosomes as a delivery system that can mimic viral particles (so a possible SARS-CoV2 vaccine candidate and, of more commercial interest currently, as a method of delivering genetic therapies to the brain). As such, ReNeuron exosomes could be the delivery component of a patented therapeutic and ReNeuron would gain royalties and potentially a product supply agreement. Exosome competitors have signed significant agreements after showing the potential for their technologies in preclinical models. ReNeuron has indicated it will have similar data from late 2020 (announced as published, so in stages) and deals could be signed from H221 onwards. Exhibit 9 shows recent deals in the exosome area indicating it could be very valuable.
Exhibit 9: Recent Exosome deals

Two IPSC projects are also shown in Exhibit 7. We expect more information on these in 2021 after further preclinical development in 2020; again there are no specific trials so data can be announced as it is published. The projects are promising, allogeneic CAR T-cells, for example, are a ‘hot’ clinical area, but they are still early stage and would presumably be partnered. Indications such as diabetes and haematological cancers are complex and crowded markets.