CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income – equity proposition

CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income – equity proposition

CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income — 1 video in collection

More on this equity

CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income (CYN) is a differentiated closed-end investment company seeking opportunities across mining and natural resources sectors. It offers investors access to under-researched mid- and smaller-cap companies. While these are inherently more volatile, they offer greater upside potential for patient investors. The fund is managed by sector specialists with each of them having over 20 years of experience in industry and/or investments. The day-to-day management of the portfolio is undertaken by Keith Watson and Rob Crayfourd (who focus on equities) and Ian Francis (who focuses on fixed income).

There are four things investors need to know about CYN.

  1. CYN actively repositions its portfolio to capture the most promising themes in the sector
  2. Several catalysts support continued strength of gold prices
  3. The company consistently outperforms the broad market
  4. The management is committed to providing shareholder-friendly measures

If you would like to find out more about CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income, please visit www.edisongroup.com

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