Volta Finance (EU: VTA)

Last close As at 19/09/2024


−0.02 (−0.32%)

Market capitalisation


Edison Investment Research is terminating coverage on Volta Finance. Please note you should no longer rely on any previous research or estimates for this company. All forecasts should now be considered redundant.

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Bitesize briefing – Volta Finance

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Volta Finance — Shift towards CLO equity ahead of cycle turn

Share Price Performance


Volta Finance (VTA) posted a 5.7% decrease in NAV in 2020, recovering from the initial 32.4% drop in March. This was mainly supported by CLO equity tranches posting solid monthly returns in November and December 2020 at +11.0% and 9.7%, respectively. Volta had anticipated a downturn for some time and repositioned its portfolio into CLO equity over the last two years. During the early-2020 market turmoil, Volta’s manager focused on securing liquidity by fully deleveraging the portfolio and implementing cost-cutting initiatives. In December, Volta introduced a dividend policy to pay 8% of its NAV (in line with historical yields), which currently implies a prospective 9.2% yield on the share price.



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Volta Finance — Shift towards CLO equity ahead of cycle turn

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Bitesize briefing – Volta Finance



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