JD Sports Fashion — Update 21 January 2016

JD Sports Fashion — Update 21 January 2016

JD Sports Fashion

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Written by

David Stoddart

JD Sports Fashion

Good sports



22 January 2016



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Business description

JD Sports Fashion is a leading multi-channel retailer of sports fashion and outdoor brands with c 800 stores under a number of fascias across the UK and Europe. Key brands include JD, Size?, Scotts, Kooga, Chausport, Sprinter, Blacks, Millets and Tiso.


Strong financial track record.

Combination of a strong stable of brands and excellent visual merchandising produces a sector-leading sports fashion model.

Core business continues to grow and generate cash for investment in growth opportunities.


Exceptional charges in the income statement are an annual occurrence.

Upcoming accounting changes re operating leases will transform the balance sheet from net cash to material leverage.

Growth will depend heavily on overseas success which, based on the UK industry’s record, we regard as high risk.


David Stoddart

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Paul Hickman

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JD’s P/E ratio appears reasonable relative to those of other UK retailers of young fashion with international ambitions. However, it is almost twice the level of rival Sports Direct’s (SPD). While there are justifications for a healthy premium, it is likely to act as a brake on the valuation, as will the low dividend yield.

Excellent Christmas trading statement

JD’s trading in the Christmas period saw like-for-like store sales in the core sports fashion fascias, including those in Europe, increasing by 10.6% in the five weeks to 2 January 2016. Given the continued strength in the core sports fashion fascias, JD now expects FY16 headline profit before tax and exceptional items to exceed previous consensus market expectations of £136m by up to 10%. As ever, there will be exceptional charges of c £12m relating to the write-off of capitalised costs on an abandoned systems upgrade alongside probable goodwill write-offs.

Upgrade on upgrade

This latest upgrading of expectations follows an 8% upgrade as recently as 3 December. At a time when rival Sports Direct has struggled to hit targets, JD’s success in sports fashion stands as testament to the strength of its operating model. What’s more, the performance was achieved against strong comps for the same period in FY15 (like-for-like growth of 12% in continuing businesses). The update made no mention of the Outdoor brands (c 10% revenue). We presume that progress in that part of the group remains behind original expectations and that break-even is still at least a year away.

Encouraging outlook

On the basis that UK employment and real wages are increasing, we are optimistic on retail sales in 2016. The better retailers, in which group we include JD, should outperform the average. Yet management would be the first to acknowledge that expecting a fourth consecutive outperformance of expectations at Christmas is asking a lot.

Valuation: Solid

Recent estimate downgrades, the capricious nature of its stake-building activities and the distractions of its high-profile disputes with other companies are among the factors that make Sports Direct an unsuitable valuation benchmark for JD. Against the ratings for other UK retailers of young fashion, JD’s seems fair.

Consensus estimates




































Source: Bloomberg. Note: Consensus excludes Panmure Gordon.

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Eckoh — Update 20 January 2016


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