Borussia Dortmund: EKF 2023 QuickView


Borussia Dortmund: EKF 2023 QuickView

Financially prudent with consistent success

Russell Pointon

Written by

Russell Pointon

Director of Content, Consumer and Media

Since its formation in 1909, Borussia Dortmund has become one of Germany’s most successful football clubs and one of the most valuable global football clubs and brands. The corporate strategy has been to establish itself as the leading German football club after Bayern Munich, and to make its financial success less dependent on short-term sporting success by increasing the domestic and international marketing of the brand name to grow revenue. Over the long term, Borussia Dortmund has a proven and enviable track record of prudent investment in talent. Its investible free float is c 67%.

Read the full profile here.

Borussia Dortmund is attending the 2023 Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum conference. If you would like to meet them, please email or register at



CLIQ Digital: EKF 2023 QuickView

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