RedHill Biopharma – EKF interview

RedHill Biopharma – EKF interview

Speciality pharma company RedHill Biopharma focuses on gastrointestinal diseases and promotes several products in the US. It also has a rapidly progressing COVID-19 R&D programme investigating a therapeutic drug. The commercial portfolio includes Movantik (opioid-induced constipation), Talicia (H. pylori eradication) and Aemcolo (travellers’ diarrhoea). The most advanced R&D assets are RHB-204 for Nontuberculous Mycobacteria infections, RHB-104 for Crohn’s disease and Bekinda for gastroenteritis and IBS-D.

In this video, Guy Goldberg , chief business officer at RedHill, talks about its potential COVID-19 treatment opaganib and the business’s recent commercial progress.

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