NB Private Equity Partners – executive interview

NB Private Equity Partners – executive interview

NB Private Equity Partners — 1 video in collection

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NB Private Equity Partners (NBPE) makes direct private equity investments alongside market-leading private equity firms. NB Alternatives Advisers, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Neuberger Berman, is responsible for sourcing, execution and management of NBPE. The vast majority of direct investments are made with no management fee or carried interest to third-party general partners. NBPE seeks capital appreciation through growth in net asset value while paying a biannual dividend.

In this interview, Paul Daggett, managing director at Neuberger Berman, provides an overview of NBPE’s direct co-investment strategy, its focus on two core themes (long-term secular growth and low expected cyclicality), as well as its dividend outlook. He also explains why investors should look beyond listed equities and expand their portfolios to include private equity investments.

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